峰铭企业创建于公元2000年元月18日,地处于广东深圳宝安观澜街道樟坑径,工厂初期,以生产制作设计音响器材:电脑音响空木箱,AC,DC连接线及电线PVC外皮料为主要业务。随着经济环境的变迁, 本公司为迎合客户的需求,又在2002年元月份成立了塑壳成型部, 电子装配部, 及印刷部三个配套部门。各部门各有专业人士独立管理并日益完善,公司以客户满意为企业的最大追求. 公司承接OEM/ODM多媒体电脑音响及电脑周边产品订单为对外主要业务, 目前产品已销往全球各地, 在美洲已有良好的声誉和需求,并且在同行业中得到一致认可。
Feng-Ming Enterprises was founded in the year January 18, 2000, the factory initially for the production of audio equipment: computer sound empty wooden box, AC, DC cable and wire and PVC jacket material whose main business is. As the economy changes in the environment, the company in order to meet customer needs, but also in January 2002 established the Molded molding department, electronic assembly department, and printing department three supporting departments. Professionals in various departments have their own independent management and has improved steadily, the company the biggest customer satisfaction for business to pursue. Company to take OEM / ODM audio multimedia computers and computer peripheral products orders outside the main business, the current products have been sold around the world, in the Americas have had a good reputation and demand for, and in the same industry to be recognized by all.
Company main departments including: wooden cabinet Dept., Cable Dept., Plastic injection Dept., Printing Dept., electronics Dept.
Cable Dept : This Dept specializing in manufacturing multimedia PC speaker connecting cable.
Wooden Cabinet dept.: This Dept specializing in developing and manufacturing all kinds speaker wooden cabinet.
Plastic Dept : This Dept mainly specializing in matching colors and producing PVC cable plastic.
Plastic Injection Dept : This dept mainly in toolings development and ABS plastic injection.
electronics Dept : This dept mainly in developing and manufacturing OeM&ODM PC speaker orders.
Printing Dept : This dept mainly in user manual and label printing.
电话:+86 00852 8131 2057
传真:+86 00852 8131 2067
电话:0755-2799 8284 2799 8197
传真:0755-2799 8274