高品质的超声换能器(探头)用于医疗目的。该生产线的组成线性阵列,凸阵列,微型凸阵,相控阵, endocavity探头,多普勒探头和单元素probes.Which被广泛应用于临床诊断。
此外,我们的维修部渲染探针修复服务的超声探头用户。品牌的超声波系统相应的探针包括通用电气,飞利浦,西门子, ALOKA ,和全体中华超声探头。对于会议的紧迫需要医生在超声检查室,我们已经赢得了许多医院。
Xinrui working at Ultrasound Probe technical development which contains compatible probe, Probe-repair and probe -service. We are composed by a strong team and with a full range of facilities used for Probe-Manufacturing, Probe-Detecting and Probe-Repairing, which ensures our competitive forces in the ultrasound system market.
High quality ultrasonic transducers(probes) for medical purpose. The line of consists of linear arrays, convex arrays, micro-convex arrays,phased arrays,endocavity probes,Doppler probes and single element probes.Which are widely used in clinical diagnosis.
Furthermore, our Maintenance Department is rendering probe-repairing services for ultrasound probe users. The brands of ultrasound systems matched by probes include GE, PHILIPS, SIEMENS, ALOKA,and all chinese ultrasound probe. For meeting the urgency need of doctor in ultrasound examination room, we have won the trust of numerous hospitals.
Meanwhile,Xinrui aslo working at 3D ultrasound software which can upgrate the 2D normal ultrasound to 3D ultrasound. On the basis of the High resoulation and tridimensional 3D image.