![谷歌gmail企业邮箱登陆出现ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted解决方法](/inc/images/newstp.jpg)
昨天申请了一个谷歌gmail企业邮箱,用着还特爽的,但是设置在邮件客户端Outlook Express和Foxmail的时候,收发邮件时虽确认自已输入的密码正确,但总会出现连不上的情况,频繁提示你输入密码,无法登录账户收取邮件。提示ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted,在网站找了N多方法无果后,还是找到一个方法。
登录邮件服务器时出错。“密码”被拒绝。 帐户: 'chengaoxiang', 服务器: 'pop.gmail.com', 协议: POP3, 服务器响应: '-ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted.', 端口: 995, 安全(SSL): 是, 服务器错误: 0x800CCC90, 错误号: 0x800CCC92
My client isn't accepting my username and password
We suggest making some adjustments in your mail client's settings so you aren't always prompted to enter your username and password. Please check the following settings in your mail client:
- Make sure that you've entered your full email address (e.g. username@gmail.com)
- Re-enter your password to ensure that it's correct. Keep in mind that passwords are case-sensitive.
- Make sure your mail client isn't set to check for new mail too often. If your mail client checks for new messages more than once every 10 minutes, your client might repeatedly request your username and password.
Now, please follow the steps below to resolve the problem:
- Open your web browser1 and sign in to Gmail at http://mail.google.com/mail. If you see a word verification request, type the letters in the distorted picture and finish signing in.
- Close your browser and try accessing your messages in your email client again.
- If you're still having problems, disable all mail clients you're using to read Gmail messages. (If you use one at work and one at home, please disable both.)
- From the computer on which your signins are failing, visit http://www.google.com/accounts/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
- Enter your Gmail username and password, and the letters in the distorted picture.
Once you have successfully signed in, restart your mail client and try to download your mail.
解锁成功后,现重新登陆Outlook Express和Foxmail收发,呵。错误提示'-ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted.'不见了,解决了。